Work Based Learning (WBL)

What is WBL?

Work-based learning (“WBL”) is the basis of the Normative Skills programme where skills students are exposed to in the Normative Skills workshop and modules can be put in practice and developed in the workplace.

WBL aims to close the Gap between theory and practice when it comes to Normative Skills to form a well-rounded Actuarial Professional.

The WBL process is an excellent introduction into the CPD process that you will embark on after qualifying.

Who should do WBL?

All students that embark on the Normative Skills – Core APP and then continue on to Fellowship APP should register for WBL. Please refer to the WBL Chapter in the Student Handbook for more information.

WBL Online System

ASSA online WBL system: 

    WBL Online System

The online WBL system is based on a workflow solution that manages the submissions and approvals between students, supervisors and reviewers.  Email notification will be sent out if you are required to interact with the system and submit or approve information.

Who can be a Supervisor?

  • A supervisor is a Fellow of ASSA that works in the same company or industry as you.
  • If your supervisor is not your line manager there must be effective communication between them.
  • If you are working in a non-traditional field and no Fellows are available to select as a Supervisor, please contact ASSA Education to assist you in finding a Supervisor.
  • Download your Supervisor Guide to WBL for more information and details

WBL progress required to register for NS modules:

To ensure ongoing WBL development ASSA introduced a set of minimum WBL progress requirements before a student may enter a specific NS module. View these requirements HERE

Have a question on WBL?  Please submit your questions below.

  • Question or feedback
  • Email address: (optional)