2019 Convention

Actuarial Society 2019 Convention

22 – 23 October 2019
Sandton Convention Centre

The 46th Convention of the Actuarial Society of South Africa will take place on 22 and 23 October at the Sandton Convention Centre, with the pre-convention African Seminar on 21 October.

You can see the highlight video from the 2018 Convention below.

You can see the graphic illustrations from a selection of the sessions as well as some of the photographs below.

About the Actuarial Society of South Africa

The Actuarial Society of South Africa is a member driven organisation that develops the knowledge, expertise and skills of members and grows the profession and impacts positively on society and the broader sector.

With your support the Society can identify, create, develop and establish the right opportunities and measures to develop the Actuarial profession in South Africa even further. Our Volunteers play a major role in realising this, giving their time, expertise and knowledge. If you are interested in becoming an ASSA volunteer, please complete the quick online form

The South African Actuary

Please view the the latest and last edition for 2019 of the South African Actuary here. Enjoy the read.