Membership admissions and subscriptions

Membership data maintenance and having the correct information on all our members are vital to ensure quality service.

Member admissions:

Please check the ASSA Events Calendar for the dates. Click 2024 Induction Programme to view more detail on this year’s offering and to register. Please register for the event as a event delegate if you are not yet an ASSA member.

Note: ASSA Induction is free to all actuarial graduates.

Member subscriptions:

Member subscriptions are due in advance annually during the first quarter of the calendar year.


You can renew your membership via your online member profile

A renewal notice will be sent to all members annually by December highlighting the online process and the timelines that will apply. Note that students writing exams in South Africa need only apply for membership and register with one professional body with ASSA being the local professional body.


Should you wish to terminate your membership, you may do so by opting to terminate when prompted to renew via your online member profile.

Transfer membership / membership type

Transfers between membership types upon qualifying as an Associate or FellowExisting Actuarial Society members who want to have their membership type altered, for example upon qualifying as an Associate or a Fellow, should complete the Transfer of Membership application form and return it to the Actuarial Society.

Applications for Fellow or Associate membership of the Actuarial Society in terms of a Mutual Recognition Agreement Members who are, or qualify as, Fellow/Associate members of IAA Associations with which the Actuarial Society has a Mutual Agreement (MRA) , may apply to be admitted as Fellow/Associate members of the Actuarial Society by applying for such admission in terms of the relevant MRA.

To apply, complete the Member transfer from other organisations form and return it to the Actuarial Society.

Membership fees

Membership fees are due annually in advance and will be applied on a monthly pro rata basis for members who join or whose membership category changes during the year.    View fees HERE


If membership lapsed due to non-payment of subscriptions and the member applies for reinstatement, all arrears subscriptions plus a reinstatement fee equal to the subscription for the previous year is payable.

Mutual Recognition Agreements

Since 2010 the Actuarial Society has offered its own Fellowship (FASSA) and Associateship (AMASSA) designations as internationally recognized professional qualifications.

International recognition with institutions is formalized by the signing of Mutual Recognition Agreements (MRAs) between professional actuarial associations in different countries. MRAs recognize the equivalence of qualifications and facilitate admission to membership of associations in other countries with the corresponding professional designation, subject to certain conditions.

View these MRAs HERE