Get Feed for iCal (Google Calendar). This is for subscribing to the events in the Calendar. Add this URL to either iCal (Mac) or Google Calendar, or any other calendar that supports iCal Feed.
No late registrations or de-registrations are allowed after the close of registration
No venue changes or requests for extra time are allowed after the close of registration.
Extra time and special requirements applications can be made via the Student Zone page. Please note that a maximum of 1 additional hour will be granted for extra time applications made for the A420/A402 exam.
Please refer to the ASSA exam rules and policies for candidates via the Student Zone page.
Exam permits will be released 1 weeks before the exam.
Dress requirements:
Comfortable. Jeans and T-shirts allowed.
December 12, 2018
ExamsStudent Zone
Get Feed for iCal (Google Calendar). This is for subscribing to the events in the Calendar. Add this URL to either iCal (Mac) or Google Calendar, or any other calendar that supports iCal Feed.
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