The scope of the Task Team is matters relating to COVID-19 as it relates to actuarial work performed by members of ASSA.
The Task Team is established to create a forum for ASSA members to learn, model, educate, inform, research, debate and influence COVID-19 developments in a positive and constructive way which supports and enhances our profession’s commitment to societal and public interest. The

The Task Team will:

  1. conduct retrospective and prospective analysis of the COVID-19 pandemic (e.g. mortality, morbidity, impact of interventions, etc.) to identify patterns, learn lessons, and to model future risk factors. This will benefit insurance companies and contribute to public policy discussions;
  2. identify market conduct issues that may negatively affect policyholders or bring the profession into disrepute, and develop recommendations to manage identified market conduct issues; and
  3. collaborate with other experts and external stakeholders to develop a body of knowledge for dealing with future pandemics and prepare public policy recommendations.


Task Team Term of Reference

The task team members are as follows:
Name:                                     Position:

Claiton Manikai Chair
Louis Rossouw Deputy Chair
Adam Lowe Lead – Healthcare Workstream
Karsten Roux Lead – Live Workstream
Alex Brownlee
Barry Childs
Michael Davies
Pamela Heilig
Paresh Prema
Alex Puntigam
Roseanne Harris
Sarika Besesar
Sieber Benade Lead – Marketing Conduct Workstream
Simon Henderson
Thandanani Mbhele Secretariat
Zandile Gobe Secretariat
Zane Heyl
Niel Fourie
Christoff Raath  ASSA Council rep
Lusani Mulaudizi ASSA Public Interest Actuary

You can contact Claiton Mamikai: